JK Paper Mills organized Quiz Competition among the students

To promote educational service to the tribal students of schools in the periphery villages, SPARSH in association with JK Paper Mills organized Quiz Competition  among the students of 12 High Schools & 31 Upper Primary Schools at JK PUR CLUB, Jaykaypur. Sri Premananda Raut, DEO, Rayagada graced this occasion and inaugurated this programme.

Internal written competition was conducted among the students in their Schools. The best four students from each school were selected to the cluster level for final round competition which was held at JK Pur Club, Jaykaypur.

Students of U K M Vidyapitha, Gopalbadi, U P School, B N Pur & SSD Govt. Girls High School, Revolkona stood 1st, 2nd & 3rd respectively in High School level and in the Junior level PUP  School, Debodala stood 1st, upgraded High School, Penta and UP School, Dunduli stood 2nd & 3rd respectively.

The best of three students from each group will be felicitated by Sri P K Suri, CEO of JKPM Ltd at the Paper Mill Premises on the Republic day.

In this programme other dignitaries namely Sri N R Mohapatra, Chief Manager (PR & CSR) & Sri Ashutosh Das, Dy. Manager (CD) were also present. Local communities, teachers of these schools appreciated the initiatives of JK Paper Mills.

For more detials visit: http://www.jkpaper.com


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