5th Genius HR Excellence Award

Genius Consultants Ltd, headquartered in Kolkata, conducted its 5th Genius HR Excellence Award at Radisson Blu Plaza, Mahipalpur to identify and duly honour the best talent in HR domain across industries from all over India at an optimum platform. RP Yadav,chairman and managing director of Genius Consultants Ltd, said "Our event on October 14,2015 once again cemented the fact that we have always admired invincible talent and inimitable calibre. The success of the 5th Genius HR Excellence Award 2015 is another feather in the cap for Genius and is attributed to our partners associates, employees.

Vendors, media houses and all our well wishers. After a meticulous assessment via an online procedure, our venerated jury members acknowledged all these deserving winners for the awards. "The Genius HR Excellence Award was institutionalised in 2011 where it only catered to Eastem India and there were 75 participants. ln 2012, the event forayed intothe national scenario and drew 253 pa rtici pants. 2013 witnessed an increase in the number of participants to 315. The figu re touched a new high at 402 in 2014. The year 2015 broke records at 515. P Dwarakanath, advisor, Group Human Capital, Max India, graced the event as the chief guest. This year, 515 companies which participated were industry leaders and pioneering global corporate houses. 

The jury members for the award ceremony were Aquil Busrai, chief executive officer, Aquil Busrai Consulting; Nadeem Kazim, director - HR and Personnel, Exide Industries Ltd; Sourav Das Patnaik director-Global ProtelyN ihar Ranjan Ghosh, executive director- HR, RPG Group;Sandeep Tyagi, director -HR, Samsung India Electronics Pvt Ltd; and Indrani Chatterjee, associate director- Human Capital, Thice water houseCoopers. This year, the organisational awards were given in two categories- category A comprising of companies with a turnover up to 2500 crore, and category B comprising of companies with a turnover of 2501 crore and above. The organisational awards were distributed Succession Planning 2015 -Category A -Tikona Digital Networks Pvt Ltd Category B - Garwa re Polyester Ltd. 

The individual awards were presented as CEO with HR Orientation of the Year, HR Leader of the Year, CHRO of the Year, HR Professional of the Year, Woman Achiever of the Year and Lifetime Achievement Award. The proud recipients of the CEO with HR Orientation of the Year were Sanjay Chamria CEO, Mag ma Fincorp Limited; Somenath Mukherjee, founder chairman, Bengal as Best HR practices 2015 - Category A- Nord Drivesystems Pvt Ltd Category B - Exide Industries Ltd; Best Training Initiatives 2015 - Category A - Innodata India Pvt Ltd, Category B-J K Paper Ltd;In novation in Recruitments 2015 -Category A - Minda Vast Access Systems Pvt Ltd, Category B- Piaggio Vehicles India Pvt Ltd Innovative Retention Strategy 2015 -Category A – Verde Ventures Pvt Ltd Category B - MSP Steel And Power Ltd; Innovative Talent Management and Speech and Hearing; Dr Rupali Basu. President and CEO-Eastern Region, Apollo Gleneagles Hospital; and Smita Pandit Chakraborty, CE0 and MD, Phoenix Conveyor Belt India Pvt Ltd. The events finale concluded with the Lifetime Achievement Award being bestowed upon industry stalwarts like Dr MS Rau, ex-GM - HR and Training, DCM Shriram and ex-executive di rector, ISTD and Dr Alok Roy, chairman, Medica Super Speciality Hospital. 

Reference website: www.JKPaper.com


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